Projects / P5

Uni Klinikum Heidelberg

Industry Partners


Effect of cool roofs on heat stress, productivity and work capacity (P4)


  • 80% of households in the Nouna HDSS comprise subsistence farmers 
  • The farmers work to their physiological limits in the fields and exert energy attending to their crops

Research objectives:

  • To quantify key physiological measurements including blood pressure, physical activity, energy expenditure, sleep quality, core body temperature, bioimpedance and electrical heart activity using gold standard devices in a subset of participants that sleep in cool roof homes against control homes.  
  • To quantify wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) in a subset of homes with a cool roof vs control homes

Contributing Scientists (in alphabetical order):

Prof. Dr. Dr. Till Bärnighausen (Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University)

Dr. Aditi Bunker  (Heidelberg Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University)

Prof. Dr. Hanns-Christian Gunga (Charité Berlin)

PD Dr. Martina Maggioni (Charité Berlin)